英文专访 I International Engine of Medical Technology Globalization

近期,英文信息平台和研究机构EqualOcean 对普瑞纯证(Pure Global)CEO孟竹女士进行了专访。
就Brand Positioning, Empowering with AI, Business Strategy, Business Strategy等内容孟总做了分享。EqualOcean 在官网发表了名为 Pure Global: The International Engine of Medical Technology Globalization 的新闻稿。


Brand Positioning: A Global AI-Empowered Life Sciences Service Provider
Meng Zhu mentioned that their donations during the pandemic deepened their awareness of the potential for information technology in the medical field. They chose to delve into the field of regulatory science, starting with regulatory access. Furthermore, during the pandemic as a donating supplier, they personally experienced the vitality of the Chinese market, fostering their confidence in the domestic market. Pure Global identifies itself as a "long China" company, aspiring to enhance regulatory access efficiency through AI technology. Their global overseas resources, multiple subsidiaries, clinical laboratories, and strong expert teams, have erected industry barriers. Beyond technical leadership, their profound understanding of the industry places them at the global forefront of regulatory science.
Furthermore, Pure Global's AI platform has earned acclaim from leading firms such as Microsoft Marketplace and IP Cosel, solidifying their competitive advantage. This recognition has enabled them to fortify a formidable strategic position. Meng Zhu pointed out that their competitive edge extends beyond national borders and holds a prominent presence on the global stage.
Empowering with AI: Creating Astonishing Cases
In operational activities at Pure Global, one outstanding facet is the integration of AI empowerment. Meng Zhu shared an illuminating case study involving a collaboration with BGI Genomics (华大基因). This collaboration presented BGI with a substantial undertaking: the drafting of technical documents for hundreds of products to attain global registration. Traditionally, this process would span several months. However, Pure Global harnessed the power of AI technology to streamline this endeavor, breaking it into manageable batches and completing each within a remarkable two-week timeframe, all while upholding stringent document quality standards. Notably, Pure Global's approach is characterized by the synergy of AI-generated document drafting with meticulous manual review, ensuring precision and compliance.
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