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Sales support
Assist in contract preparation and coordinate with stakeholders to resolve the contract matters
Manage CRM system and Contract/NDA database
Support sales team to achieve regional targets
Work closely with marketing team to identify the new opportunities and build up the client pool
Assist in organizing sales seminar/promotion activities with sales & marketing team
Tracking the latest updates in medical device's regulations across the world to enhance sales operation capability
Case follow-up and make sure the project delivered successfully in time
Drive continuous improvement of solutions and processes
Bachelor's degree or above Demonstrate excellent communication skills in English Good command of Microsoft Office Excellent problem solving & interpersonal skills Research, analyze, integrate, and organize information from diverse sources Self-motivation and good self-learning ability Regulatory experience in medical device industry is preferred Good time management
执行国际认证项目以达到客户的期望与要求; 与客户及相关认证机构沟通相关国际认证事项; 按照国际组织标准起草各种验证方案、组织验证实施,编写验证报告; 审核国际认证的上报资料; 向销售员工提供相关的支持与建议,以促进国际认证业务的发展; 认证市场信息收集、需求分析、市场策划,提出业务开拓思路和方案,并推进实施; 与企业、行业组织、政府相关部门保持良好沟通,将公司业务向相关方推介,建立相关合作渠道并维护; 提交项目业绩报告, 汇总各项工作的完成情况,执行部门业务工作安排等常规运作事项。
本科及以上学历,有协助国际项目经历优先; 英语六级及以上,具备听说读写能力; 理工科、金融背景优先,海归优先; 具有流程搭建,制度制定等经验; 熟悉CRM、ERP系统优先,熟练使用Python、Excel加分; 掌握小语种者优先。
产品项目医学调研、临床试验方案撰写审阅; 临床试验项目开展过程中的临床学术支持,如CRF、知情同意书、研究者手册撰写审核、修订; 临床总结报告、临床研究综述等临床部分申报资料的撰写、审核及修订,协助进行CE和FDA注册申报; 研究层面医学监查工作,如入排审核、方案违背审核等; 临床有效性及安全性解读; 评估临床研究的不良事件及其影响; 提供医学文献、信息等学术支持; 临床研究中涉及的探索性研究相关事务处理及跟进。